Pool Migration: How to move your LP tokens from “Beta” to “Active” Pools
Thank you for participating in Bitflow’s Beta Program! Migrate your liquidity to Active Pools to unlock points, NFTs and to keep earning additional rewards.
If you’re new to Bitflow, Check out the complete Bitflow DEX Mainnet Guide
Bitflow’s Pool Migration: Steps for a Rewarding Transition
If you’re a participant in Bitflow’s liquidity pools and looking to migrate, follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition and maximize your rewards:
1. Reclaim LP Tokens
- Visit https://app.bitflow.finance/pool
- **** Click BETA Pools ****

Note: If you are not currently providing Liquidity or Escrowing in any pool that requires migrations you may not see balances in Beta Pools.
- Action: Check your Bitflow account for any available LP tokens.
Note: If no LP tokens are available, check if they are Actively Earning, and wait for the next unlock cycle.
- Continue: Actively earning LP tokens? Don’t worry, you are still credited for 5x points per day, plus additional rewards from trading fees.
2. Removing LP Tokens
- Action: Withdraw your liquidity by selecting the maximum amount of LP tokens on the withdraw portion of the Beta pool page
- Purpose: Exchange the LP tokens for the equivalent amount of tokens that make up the trading pair.

3. Claim Available Rewards
- Action: Ensure to claim any accrued rewards during the beta phase.
4. Unlock Beta Points: Add Liquidity to Active Pools
- Action: Provide liquidity to the active liquidity pools
- Get 2.5 points per day on StackingDAO for providing Liquidity to stSTX-STX Pool

5. Escrow for Additional Rewards
- Action: Escrow your LP tokens for the active pools on the Earn page.
- Escrow Point System described below
- Additional Rewards: Continue earning trading fees as rewards.
For any difficulties, reach out for support via our Discord Channel.

What Are Bitflow Points?
You are early to the surf session, anon! The Bitflow Finance Points System quantifies the active involvement of our earliest supporters (BFFs) in the expanding world of Bitcoin DeFi.
The math is simple, transparent, and designed to benefit everyone from long-term holders to active DeFi users. Points are updated on the website at least once a day. Bitflow reserves the right to update the point calculations at any time.
FAQ for Bitflow Pool Migration
Q1: What is the purpose of the Bitflow pool migration?
- A1: To transition users from beta pools to new pools, offering better rewards, trading pairs, and composability for advanced DeFi products such as auto compounding yield.
Q2: How do I earn points as a Beta Liquidity Provider (LP)?
- A2: The Beta Program has concluded, but our earliest supporters earned 5x points per LP token pair per day provided. Migrate the liquidity to the active pool to unlock Beta points.
Q3: What benefits did Beta Escrowed LPs receive?
- A3: Beta Escrowed LPs earn 5x points daily for escrowed tokens, plus trading fee rewards from the protocol. Also an NFT for participating in Beta that will offer a points multiplier.
Q4: How do I migrate to the new pools?
- A4: Reclaim LP Tokens from the beta pool contracts, remove liquidity, then add liquidity to new pools.
Q5: What are the active pool points?
- A5: See the breakdown at the top of the article
Q6: How do I unlock my Beta points?
- A6: A snapshot of your LP tokens was taken at the end of Beta. Add enough liquidity to the active pools so that you have at least as many LP tokens in the active pools. There is a progress bar to help you track how close you are to completing the migration.
Q7: Can I be both an LP and Escrowed LP?
- A7: Yes, provide liquidity as an LP and escrow tokens as an Escrowed LP.
Q8: How is LP token activity duration counted?
- A8: Duration is counted in Cycles (~1 day, more precisely 144 Bitcoin blocks)
Q9: Where can I track my points?
- A9: On our user points dashboard for real-time updates.
Q10: What if I withdraw liquidity before migrating?
- A10: Withdrawal halts point earnings. Migrate to the new pool to continue earning.
Q11: Is there a limit on points earned?
- A11: No cap; earnings depend on participation level and duration.
Q12: How secure is the migration process?
- A12: Secured with audited smart contracts for accuracy and safety.
For further information or support, please refer to our official documentation or contact our support team.

How to Earn Points
Currently, you can earn liquidity points through escrowing (a.k.a. staking) your LP Tokens on the Earn page of the app. Points for referrals and additional DeFi activities are coming soon.
Price Multipliers:
USD Pools: 1 Point/Day
STX Pools: 2 Points/Day
BTC Pools: 50,000 Points/Day
Cycle Multipliers:
Active Pools on Public Mainnet
- 4x Per Day / LP Token Escrowed (First 30 Cycles)
- 3x Per Day / LP Token Escrowed (Cycles #31–60)
- 2x Per Day / LP Token Escrowed (Cycles #61–90)
- 1x Per Day / LP Token Escrowed (Cycles #90+)
Example 2: If you escrowed 100 STX-stSTX-LP Tokens for the first 30 cycles (each cycle is ~1 Day), you’ll earn 24,000 Points
(100 x 2pts) x (30 days) x 4X Multiplier
Example 3: If you escrowed 100 USDA-sUSDT Tokens for the first 30 cycles (each cycle is ~1 Day), you’ll earn 12,000 Points
(100 x 1pts) x (30 days) x 4X Multiplier
Example 4: If you escrowed 100 STX-stSTX-LP Tokens for 90 cycles (each cycle is ~1 Day), you’ll earn 54,000 Points
(100 x 2pts) x (30 days) x 4X Multiplier = 24,000
(100 x 2pts) x (30 days) x 3X Multiplier = 18,000
(100 x 2pts) x (30 days) x 2X Multiplier = 12,000
Beta Pools on Private Mainnet:
- 5x Per Day / LP Token Escrowed
Example 1: If you escrowed 100 STX-stSTX-LP Tokens for 30 days, you made 30,000 Points
(100 x 2pts) x (30 days) x 5X Multiplier
Please Note: The Beta Program has concluded, and new pools have been launched with upgraded features. To unlock your Beta points, you need to migrate liquidity from the Beta Pools to the Active Pools after the escrow period
Special Multiplier for OG and Genesis NFT Holders:
Bitflow is rewarding OG (Private Beta) and Genesis NFT holders with a special points multiplier. If you’ve already accumulated many points, you’re in luck — this multiplier will boost your past and future points even further, recognizing your active participation and early contributions as a liquidity provider. More information is coming soon!