Unlock Real Yield with Bitflow and StackingDAO

BitFlow Finance
3 min readDec 28, 2023


Unlock Real Yield with Bitflow and StackingDAO: A Pioneering Partnership on Stacks

Bitflow: Dex For Bitcoiners

Bitflow is making waves in the Bitcoin DeFi, now live on the Mainnet (closed beta). Bitflow offers a trading platform where users can easily trade and earn real yield with AMM for stables and different flavors of BTC, on the Stacks Protocol which uses the security and finality of the Bitcoin blockchain. Key features include Bitcoin swaps, stablecoin trading, and single-sided liquidity provision, all within an open-source framework, and is now thrilled to announce its partnership with StackingDAO.

StackingDAO: Liquid Stacking Simplified

Enter StackingDAO, a pioneering platform that addresses the liquidity challenges in the Stacks ecosystem. StackingDAO introduces the concept of liquid stacking, a solution that allows users to unlock the liquidity of their stacked STX tokens without sacrificing their participation in the Stacks network’s consensus mechanism. This innovative approach solves the problem of liquidity lock-up in proof-of-transfer protocols, enabling users to maintain participation in network validation while still accessing their assets’ liquidity.

Launch StackingDAO App

Launch Bitflow DEX

Synergy in Decentralization: Bitflow and StackingDAO

Bitflow is now thrilled to announce its partnership with StackingDAO. This collaboration brings to the forefront a unique opportunity for users to amplify their yields:

  1. Stack and Earn: Users can stack their STX tokens on StackingDAO and start earning rewards immediately.
  2. Boost Your Yield with Bitflow: By providing liquidity to the Bitflow stSTX pools, users can earn additional yield in STX.
  3. Maximize Earnings through Escrow: Escrowing stSTX-STX LP Tokens in Bitflow’s liquidity pools further enhances yield through trading fees.
  4. Flexibility in Trading: Engage in stSTX-STX swaps on Bitflow, utilizing stSTX across the Stacks ecosystem.

This strategic partnership marks a significant milestone in the advancement of Bitcoin DeFi. It not only increases decentralization but also incentivizes real yield generation, enhancing the utility of stacked STX tokens.

Boosting Liquidity and supporting the StackingDAO

Inspired by the success of liquid staking protocols on Ethereum, Solana, and other platforms, StackingDAO will implement a 2% sell tax on stSTX sales for STX on Bitflow. The revenue generated from this sell tax will be dedicated to enhancing the liquidity of the stSTX-STX trading pair on Bitflow.

In practical terms, this means if a user sells 100 stSTX on Bitflow, 2 stSTX from the sale will be allocated to StackingDAO. This contribution is specifically aimed at boosting the liquidity of the stSTX-STX pair. Once this pair achieves a substantial level of liquidity, StackingDAO plans to discontinue these sell taxes.

Important: StackingDAO only collects sell tax on stSTX →STX sales, no taxes are collected for for STX → stSTX swaps.

Join the Bitcoin DeFi Revolution

We invite you to join the Bitflow Protocol and be part of this pioneering journey with StackingDAO. Together, we are shaping the future of Bitcoin DeFi, offering simplified and secure participation in the Stacks Protocol, which already boasts over 500 million in Total Value Locked (TVL).

Join us now and start unlocking the real power of your STX with Bitflow and StackingDAO!


👀 Looking Ahead: The Bitflow Ecosystem and Rewards

To celebrate the new listing and partnership, we will be launching a liquidity mining rewards campaign, to incentivize and reward our early supporters for their contribution to Bitflow’s liquidity pools. Users are not only earning real yield but are also key players in driving Bitflow’s evolution toward full decentralization. while and earning points for future airdrops.

Stay tuned for more updates on our points and liquidity mining rewards, as Bitflow evolves into a fully decentralized and community-driven exchange, embodying the ethos of the Bitcoin DeFi movement.


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BitFlow Finance

A decentralized stable swap protocol that generates rewards for liquidity providers & native Bitcoin holders